By – Rakshita Jain
“The father has a duty to maintain his daughter and take care of their marriage and education even though, they have reached majority and are employed as well as earning income as the Delhi High Court said.
The Delhi High Court also said that father cannot exonerate their duties and responsibilities to meet the education expenses of their son just because he has attained the age of majority. The husband should be responsible for their children’s finance and make them capable of attaining a position in the society wherein they can maintain themselves properly and also mother should not be burdened with the whole expenditure of her son’s education just because he has completed 18 years of age. Justice Subramonium Prasad stated the same as above.
A plea has been dismissed by the Court’s order that a man wanted a review of an HC order in which he was directed to pay Rs. 15000 monthly maintenance to his alienated wife till the end of son’s graduation Or starts earning himself.
Previously, a Family Court had ordered that son was authorized to maintenance till he attained the age of majority and daughter would be responsible to maintainance till she gets income source or gets married. It’s true that majority of the households, women are not able to work just because of structural obstacles and socio-cultural as well as thinking that they cannot financially support themselves.
Although it doesn’t mean that women are earning and supporting themselves financially than it’s the end of the duty of the husband to be responsible for his children’s sustenance.
Later, it places the whole burden on the mother of the child to bear the expenses of educating children without any support and contribution from the father, and this Court cannot even countenance such a situation, it said. Theaantagonize couple who got married in November 1997 and had two children. Later they got divorced in November 2011 with son and daughter are 20 and 18 years old.
Therefore, the woman was working as a clerk in Upper-division in Delhi Municipal Corporation who earned around Rs60,000 per month. The records showed that man has filed his salary certificate which indicates that man’s gross income monthly as November 2020 was Ra. 1.67 lakh.