Taliban Posts New Videos To Show It’s Far More Powerful Than Earlier

-By Nandini Chaturvedi

Pictures show the Taliban terrorists in outfits, boots, balaclavas and body protective layers like those ragged by extraordinary powers all throughout the planet.

Paris: The Taliban has been flaunting its own “uncommon powers” via online media, fear mongers in new garbs outfitted with plundered American hardware who balance forcefully with the picture of the standard Afghan radical. Pictures and recordings of warriors in the supposed “Badri 313” unit have been posted online for publicity purposes to underline how the Taliban have better prepared and prepared men available to them than before, specialists say.

The terrorists are displayed in outfits, boots, balaclavas and body protective layers like those ragged by extraordinary powers all throughout the planet – and in contrast to the shalwar kameez, turban and shoes of the customary Taliban contender.  Maybe then a battered Russian-planned Kalashnikov rifle threw behind them, the men of Badri 313 hold new US-made rifles like the M4, once in a while with night-vision goggles and progressed gunsights.

Badri 313 “likely addresses probably the best prepared and prepared warriors inside the Taliban all the more comprehensively, despite the fact that as you would expect there is a level of sensationalising in publicity inclusion of the unit by the gathering,” Matt Henman from the Janes protection consultancy told AFP. The measure of hardware available to them is indistinct, however various pictures online show glad Taliban contenders presenting with caught reinforced Humvees, aeroplanes and weapons deserted by the crushed US-prepared Afghan public armed force. In a web-based media post, Badri 313 soldiers even taunted their US partners by reproducing the celebrated image of American officers raising the Stars and Stripes on the island of Iwo Jima in 1945. The Taliban figures in garbs are seen raising their high contrast banner.

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