By Khan Ahmad Darvesh
A student who was dropped out by Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Urdu from Arabi Falsi University (“University”) for attempting to organize a protest against the 2019 Citizenship Amendment Act has filed an application with the Supreme Court to challenge the confirmation of the High Court of Allahabad de la The order decision.
The Special License Application (“SLP”) has requested temporary relief in the form of suspension of the Superior Court order of July 23, 2021 and requests that allow students to complete the final semester and complete graduation.
Suspension of the execution of removal / expulsion orders on February 28, 2020 and March 3, 2021 and allows the petitioner to attend classes and take exams.
Some people argued that the withdrawal order was passed without giving the BA students a proper audience, and even the principal violated oral principles and did not hear the opinions of the students in person. Further stated that the Superior Court should have considered the petitioner’s complaint on the merits of the case, rather than hastily ratifying the demobilization order.
Filed by registered defense attorney Talha Abdul Rahman and defense attorney Harsh V Kediya, SLP, stated that they had never provided the petitioner with any notice of reason or fee, and that the only accusation against him was an attempt to organize a protest .
On February 1, 2020, the petitioner was summoned by the vigilante to appear in the 7-member committee to respond to allegations that he attempted to organize a CAA protest. And there are no other charges, the confession read. Petitioner appeared before the 7-member committee on February 10 and gave a handwritten explanation that while he planned to organize peaceful protests in accordance with his constitutional rights, he did not even organize peaceful protests due to violence in other areas. nation. According to the petition, the committee first orally requested the petitioner to explain other allegations related to certain actions that took place that day, which were not mentioned in the February 1 summons.
Apparently, the petitioner’s past was illegally resurrected and he had a predetermined idea to maintain the rural order approved by the higher-level organization to which all the committee members belong, this is for sure.
“The university denigrated the petitioners simply because he tried to exercise his constitutional rights to peaceful protest and the right to freedom of expression. The protest was canceled by him and was not organized, but the rector of the university still approved a 3 March. Order, confirming his departure to the field in 2021. The punishment imposed on the petitioner for exercising constitutional rights is unreasonable and disproportionate, “says the petition.